Saturday, December 22, 2012

That family Christmas card

You know that annoying one that they print out at the photoshop that has graphics and pictures of their little family on it? I got one today from SIL (I like). Fear washed over me as I reached into the post box to see it was addressed from her. I was prepared to see my niece and a bump on the front, or even a scan. Surprisingly she was kind enough to send us one that didn't have any bump or ultrasound scan, but pictures of my niece. I love my niece, she calls me Aunt Jac..and of course I'm her favorite Aunt. I'm very thankful SIL has been respectful towards me about IF. The other one who claims she's IF, not so much.
So instead of shedding tears, I smiled and tacked it on the fridge.

Maybe I'm slowly getting a little bit better with this?

Then later today, I reverted back to my bitter self and frowned at pregnant cow #2 rubbing her nonexistent bump. Seriously, bitch?

Small steps....Lol


  1. That is progress, lol. I wish I had a card like that. I got a card with my friend's yearly "newsletter" listing all the awesome points of a new baby. Blah.

  2. I despise those "newsletters". They go straight to the bin. If I wanted an update of your life, I'd ask you. Not read a photoshopped printout that makes my eyes bleed. Lol.
